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A Full Moon Tarot Spread

A Simple 3 Card Spread To Help Align You with the Energy of the Full Moon

Work this simple 3 card full moon tarot spread just before the full moon to best align you with the energy of the full moon for the coming month. You can also use this spread to help you to achieve clarity of intention for your full moon rituals or spell work.

Make sure to cleanse your deck and sacred space, for example with smoke, visualization or sound before you lay the spread.

1 – REVEALING. What is the full moon illuminating for me?

2 – RELEASE. What is no longer serving me that I would benefit letting go of?

3 – TRANSFORMATION. What’s getting reading to emerge?

When reading the cards remember to trust your intuition. What thoughts or images flashed to your mind when you revealed the cards? Work with these first before moving onto a more traditional reading. You might also like to record this reading in your tarot journal.

A Full Moon Tarot Spread 1

How does the full moon influence tarot readings?

The full moon exerts a unique influence on the world around us, including the realm of tarot. It’s not just a picturesque sight; it’s a cosmic phenomenon that aligns with the deeper currents of our intuition and insight.

Imagine the full moon as a celestial amplifier. Just as the moon’s gravitational pull affects tides and rhythms on Earth, its energy also resonates within us. During a full moon, this energy peaks, creating an atmosphere charged with heightened emotions and perceptions.

This intensified energy serves as a backdrop for tarot readings. Tarot cards are not mere ink and paper; they are vessels that channel energies, both from within us and from the universe. When we draw cards during a full moon, these energies blend and intertwine, creating a synergy that enhances the cards’ messages.

Think of the full moon as a magnifying glass for your intuition. Our intuition, that inner voice guiding us, becomes clearer and more accessible during this lunar phase. As the moon’s light penetrates the veil between the conscious and the subconscious, our intuitive senses are heightened. This heightened intuition, when coupled with the symbolism of tarot cards, leads to richer and more profound readings.

Additionally, the full moon illuminates hidden aspects. Just as the moon casts light into the darkest corners of the night, it also sheds light on the deeper layers of our thoughts and emotions. This illumination encourages us to explore the shadows, the unspoken, and the unresolved within ourselves. Tarot, as a tool of introspection, becomes even more potent during this time, offering us insights into areas we might not have previously considered.

So, the next time you’re under the spell of a full moon, consider embracing its energy and conducting a tarot reading. You might find that the cards resonate with an extra layer of wisdom, guided by the celestial forces at play.

What specific questions should I ask my tarot deck during a full moon reading?

Let’s delve into the kind of questions that can add a sprinkle of moonlit magic to your tarot readings during the full moon.

  1. Reflecting on Emotions: The full moon has a way of intensifying emotions. Ask your tarot deck about the emotions that are coming to the surface at this time. What are you feeling more strongly? What might be causing these feelings to surge?
  2. Uncovering Desires: During the full moon, our desires and aspirations might become more pronounced. Ask the tarot about your deepest desires. What are you yearning for? How can you align your actions with these desires?
  3. Releasing and Letting Go: The full moon is a great time to release what no longer serves you. Inquire about what you need to let go of. What patterns or habits are holding you back? How can you release them and make space for new beginnings?
  4. Seeking Clarity: With the full moon’s illuminating energy, it’s a wonderful time to seek clarity. Ask the tarot to shed light on a situation that has been puzzling you. What insights can it offer to help you see things clearly?
  5. Personal Growth: The full moon symbolizes growth and culmination. Inquire about your personal growth journey. What lessons have you learned? What skills have you developed? What areas still need nurturing?
  6. Intuition Activation: The full moon amplifies intuition. Ask the tarot to guide you in tapping into your intuitive wisdom. What messages does your intuition have for you right now?
  7. Relationship Insights: Relationships can take on a deeper hue during the full moon. Ask the tarot about your relationships. What dynamics are at play? How can you foster deeper connections?
  8. Manifestation: The full moon is associated with manifesting desires. Ask the tarot about what you can focus on manifesting in your life. How can you align your actions to attract what you want?
  9. Balancing Energies: The full moon embodies the balance between light and dark. Inquire about the areas of your life that need balance. What can you do to create harmony between opposing forces?
  10. Self-Care: The full moon’s energy can remind us of the importance of self-care. Ask the tarot about how you can nurture yourself during this time. What practices or activities will rejuvenate you

Three Example Full Moon Tarot Spreads

A Full Moon Tarot Spread 2
A Full Moon Tarot Spread 3
A Full Moon Tarot Spread 4

How can I use the full moon’s energy to cleanse and charge my tarot deck?

The full moon holds a unique energy that can be harnessed to cleanse and charge your tarot deck, infusing it with renewed vitality. Here’s a simple and effective way to do it:

1. Preparation:

  • Choose a serene and comfortable spot where you can lay your tarot deck under the full moon’s glow. This could be a windowsill, balcony, or any outdoor space with direct moonlight exposure.

2. Cleansing:

  • Begin by taking a few deep breaths to center yourself. Hold your tarot deck in your hands and visualize any stagnant or negative energies dissipating as you exhale.
  • Gently fan out the cards, one by one, allowing the moonlight to touch each card. As you do this, you can softly whisper an intention such as, “I cleanse and release any energies that no longer serve.”

3. Charging:

  • With the moonlight bathing your tarot cards, envision the moon’s radiant energy infusing each card with a vibrant, luminous glow.
  • You might say something like, “I charge these cards with the full moon’s energy, that they may bring clarity and guidance.”

4. Intention Setting:

  • While holding the deck, set an intention for its use. It could be something like, “May these cards provide insight and wisdom in alignment with the moon’s cycles.”
  • Place the deck where it can continue to absorb the moonlight for a few hours or overnight.

5. Gratitude:

  • Once you feel that the cleansing and charging process is complete, gently gather your cards and hold them close to your heart. Express gratitude for the moon’s energy and the renewed vitality of your tarot deck.

6. Integration:

  • As you begin using your tarot deck in readings, remember the connection it now holds with the full moon. The cards are charged not just with energy, but with the intention you set and the celestial influence of the moon.

By aligning your tarot deck with the full moon’s energy, you’re infusing it with a fresh and powerful essence. This process not only enhances your connection with the cards but also deepens your connection with the natural cycles of the universe. Enjoy the journey of exploring the heightened insights and guidance your charged deck can offer!

Can I combine other spiritual practices, like crystal healing or meditation, with my full moon tarot reading?

Absolutely, blending various spiritual practices like crystal healing and meditation with your full moon tarot reading can create a powerful synergy, enhancing your connection to both the cosmic energies and your inner wisdom. Here’s how you can combine these practices:

1. Crystal Healing:
Crystals have unique vibrations that can complement your tarot readings. Before you begin your reading:

  • Choose crystals that resonate with the full moon energy, such as Moonstone, Selenite, or Labradorite.
  • Cleanse and charge the crystals under the full moon, just like you would with your tarot deck.
  • Place the chosen crystals near your reading space or hold them in your hand during the reading.
  • These crystals can amplify your intuitive abilities, providing additional insights and clarity.

2. Meditation:
Meditation can help you attune to the full moon’s energy and create a receptive mindset for your tarot reading:

  • Start with a grounding meditation to center yourself and clear your mind.
  • Visualize the full moon’s radiant light surrounding you, filling you with its energy.
  • Set an intention for your reading, asking for guidance and insights aligned with the full moon’s energy.
  • You can also focus on your breath, allowing yourself to enter a calm and intuitive state.

3. Ritual Preparation:
Create a simple ritual to set the stage for your combined practice:

  • Light a candle and some incense to create a sacred atmosphere.
  • Arrange your crystals around your tarot deck as you prepare to start your reading.
  • Take a few moments to connect with the crystals and the full moon’s energy.

4. Reading and Reflection:
Combine your tarot reading with meditation and crystal energy:

  • As you draw cards, hold a crystal in your other hand or keep it nearby.
  • Allow yourself to enter a meditative state, focusing on the energy of the full moon and the crystal.
  • Let the cards’ messages come to you, paying attention to any intuitive insights that arise.
  • Reflect on how the crystal’s energy enhances your interpretation and understanding of the cards.

5. Gratitude and Closure:
After your reading, meditation, and crystal work:

  • Take a moment to express gratitude for the guidance received and the energy shared.
  • Gently place the crystals back in their designated space and extinguish the candle.
  • Close the practice with a deep breath, carrying the energy of the full moon, meditation, and crystals with you.

Combining these practices creates a harmonious flow of energy, allowing you to tap into multiple sources of guidance and wisdom. Remember, the key is to create a space of intention and receptivity, allowing the full moon’s energy, crystals, meditation, and tarot to work together.