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Conjure success, love, protection and more with guides to crafting enchanted items. Discover recipes for oils, powders, inks, incense and potions using plants, crystals, essential oils and natural ingredients. Learn to make witchy jewelry like crystal-infused pendants and herb-filled charm bags. Create spell candles dressed with herbs and carved sigils. Prepare magical solutions for anointing, charging and cleansing rituals. Establish a fully-stocked pantry of bewitching ingredients for instant spellcasting with our formula guides. Manifest your desires through time-proven techniques for enchanting everyday objects.

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Spiritual Purification with Fire

The Opus Magicum originates from the teachings of the UR Group, a collective of mystics and esoteric thinkers active in early 20th-century Italy. Rooted in Hermetic and alchemical traditions, it draws on universal symbols and ancient practices to offer a structured path for spiritual growth and self-transformation. This system synthesizes wisdom from sources like Egyptian, …

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The Call of Hekate – Goddess of Transformation

“The Call of Hekate Through Dreams”“I had dreams of fire, snakes, and shadowy dogs for weeks before I even knew who Hekate was. The dreams were vivid, almost overwhelming, and yet they felt significant, like they were trying to tell me something. When I stumbled upon her name while reading, it was as if a …

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Advanced Witchcraft

Welcome to Advanced Witchcraft Advanced Witchcraft isn’t about mastering one specific skill or learning a particular spell—it’s about stepping into a deeper understanding of your own path. Here, the focus is on your evolution from knowledge to wisdom. You’ve moved beyond the basics, and now it’s time to expand your practice, seeing it not just …

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