Crystal Witchcraft – Getting Started with Crystal Magick
Discover the world of crystal witchcraft including everything you need to know about crystal magick. We even have a selection of crystal spells to try yourself!
Discover the world of crystal witchcraft including everything you need to know about crystal magick. We even have a selection of crystal spells to try yourself!
Discover the top crystals for confidence with our easy to follow guide which includes practical tips and tricks for using each crystal. Click to read more.
In this blog post, you’ll learn what a crystal grid is, how to create your own crystal grid and find a number of grid templates for you to recreate at home.
Discover which crystals could be EMF blocking, how crystals might help to block EMF radiation and learn to create healing grids with EMF blocking crystals.
Discover crystal correspondences, learn all about magical crystal correspondence, which crystal corresponds to what and how to work with crystal correspondences
Learn how to charge your crystals including tips on how to charge your crystals with sunlight, moonlight, intention, energy and with reiki. Click to read more.